JasperSoft is the World’s Leading BI Platform for Software Builders
Design, embed, and manage reports and dashboards with developer-level control
Vaše podjetje in stranke želijo odgovore. Toda vaše zahteve so edinstvene. Potrebujete infrastrukturo za poročanje in analitiko, ki jo lahko naredite sami. TIBCO Jaspersoft® programska oprema je najbolj prilagodljiva, prilagodljiva in razvijalcem prijazna BI platforma na svetu. Načrtovanje, vdelava in upravljanje poročil & analitike s programskim nadzorom.
Your business and your customers want answers. But your requirements are unique. You need a reporting and analytics infrastructure that you can make your own. TIBCO Jaspersoft® software is the most flexible, customizable, and developer-friendly BI platform in the world. Design, embed, and manage reports & analytics with programmatic control.
By embedding modern analytics technology into modern applications, Jaspersoft can provide interactive reporting for operational managers, dashboards for ecxecutives, data exploration and analytics for analysts, and data integration and and virtualisation for data architects.